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ITC x NBCLaunch Presents

Writers Mixer


presented in partnership with


Some of the best advice I ever received is: If you want to be a writer, make friends with a writer. But it can be hard to meet writers if you have no experience or connections. That’s why ITC is partnering with NBCUniversal Launch for an exclusive event on October 3rd to foster relationships between aspiring diverse creatives and working writers. Selected participants will attend an intimate panel and mixer with writers, showrunners, and other alumni from NBCU Launch’s TV Writing Fellowship to learn, connect, and build community. This is a free event, but space is limited. You must apply with with a original pilot writing sample and short bio to be invited to attend. This event is strictly for folks who have never been staffed on a TV show previously.

Application are open until September 1.

Need More Info? Check the FAQ


Why do I need to submit a script?

This event is intended for intermediate to advanced level writers who are ready to be selected for network fellowships, assistant positions, or even staffing. To gauge your skill level, you’ll need to submit an application to attend.

What happens after I submit my script?

The ITC team will read your script. Due to the volume of scripts received, we can not offer any individual feedback or notes. You will retain all rights to your script. For full details, read our release form here.

Do I need to live in LA?

This event will take place October 3rd on the NBCUniversal campus in Los Angeles. ITC will not cover travel costs, therefore applicants who live in Los Angeles or the surrounding areas will be given priority.

Can I apply if I’m in the WGA?

This event is for non-WGA members who have never sold a film to a major studio or have been staffed on a TV show before. If you are (or have previously been) an assistant on a TV show or film, you are welcome to apply. If you are an assistant who has written a freelance episode, you are still welcome to apply.

Does it cost anything to attend?

This program is free to attend and to apply for.

How many people will be invited to attend?

We will selected 20-30 people to attend. This event is purposely small to allow attendees to connect with writers and showrunners on a personal level.

Ready to Apply?

Applications are only open until September 1. Apply now to be considered to attend.