In the Cut's First Webinar | March 29
Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing safe and well during these crazy times. As you know, I made the difficult decision to cancel the event March 15th due to coronavirus precautions. In the past weeks, I’ve been working to organize a virtual event so that you all m. In the Cut is happy to announce our first webinar event, FREE OF CHARGE, available through Zoom.
Each writer will host an individual webinar and all participants will be able to submit questions through the live chat function. We can only accept the first 100 registrants, so please register ASAP. If you are quarantined with some friends and/or family who’d like to attend, there is no need to register multiple times, simply share the screen together.
We understand that during these times, everyone is stressed, whether financially, physically, emotionally, or otherwise. We want you continue to perfect your craft and learn. We plan to bring you more online programming during this quarantine period. Thank you!