I'm in LA, Now What? | Event Recap
Our first event, I’m in LA, Now What? | Hollywood Etiquette + Entry-Level Jobs was an amazing success. Tickets sold out in just a few short hours and honestly, I was a little unsure of what to expect. I know I wanted to create an inclusive environment, where knowledge could be freely shared and connections made, but the outcome far exceeded my expectations.
The mantra of In the Cut is Learn. Hustle. Connect. But to do so, you must begin with yourself and be intentional about your desired career path. Do you want to write for Television or Film? Are you a Director, Writer or Producer? Are you a Content Creator? Do you want to create your own projects or would you like to be staffed in a room ? Getting clear about what type of work you desire to create, will help determine the types of things you need to do to for your career.
Next you must meet people! In this industry, your network is your net worth. You need to be surrounded by other creatives interested in making the same content as you. If you don’t know anyone in the industry, attend our events and other panels, networking mixers and film festivals. The internet is also an amazing place! There are a multitude of Meetup, Google, and Facebook groups dedicated to whatever niche you may occupy, just search.
Key Takeaways From the Event
Be Prepared. Have a script and/or resume ready to provide when opportunities arise. This industry moves extremely fast, jobs come and go very quickly. If you stay ready, you never have to get ready.
Create. Create. Create. People give opportunities to people that are creating their own opportunities first. If you want to be a writer, how many finished scripts do you have? If you want to direct, how many projects have you shot? Ask yourself if you are currently doing the things that you say you want to do.
Be Professional. If you want to be a part of the industry, leave the fandom at home and approach each meeting as a professional. You are as much of an asset to the people you meet with as they are to you. Do not send anyone unsolicited materials. Be respectful, not desperate.
Be of Service. When approaching people, inquire in a way that you can be of service to the person vs. what they can do for you.
Network Across. So often, we try to connected with people that are already established. But the reality is, a celebrity is (probably) not going to pluck you from obscurity and make you famous. You have to put in the work and hours necessary to achieve greatness on your own. That means building with people at your level. Family and friends can help you create a project. An assistant you met at a networking event can recommend you for a job.
Thank you to everyone who made our first event a success. We are working on securing a larger venue for our next workshop in March to be able to serve more people. Your support is truly appreciated!